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  • Writer's picture5' ELEVEN''


Grand Palais, Salon d’Honneur, Paris. March 1st.

This season, Yohji Yamamoto has articulated his Fall Winter 2019 Women’s collection around a theme that is dear to him: ANTI-FASHION.

Through the details, Yohji Yamamoto gives an unfinished look to his silhouettes. A desire to put forward a 'primitive' aspect and to pay homage to this time when ready-to-wear as we know it today did not exist. This 'anti-fashion' period where mothers of families made clothes for themselves and for theirs. This innocent fashion in which these non-fashion professionals worked, cut the fabric spontaneously. In this new collection, innocence is also found in the colors brought to the clothes, such as drawings made by children.

For the finale, five black silhouettes walk in groups on the catwalk completely covered and dressed in black and letting just appear an eye. Yohji Yamamoto greet the Tapeda Limena women of the 17th century in Peru who used to cover themselves to better seduce while preserving their identity. Tradition that is reminiscent of Yohji Yamamoto’s house codes.

Photos by Monica Feudi


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