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  • Writer's picture5' ELEVEN''


Paris. March 2nd.

The dark side that Rei Kawakubo projects in this collection reflects the deep desire that the designer has for a world without wars and the contempt she feels for the disorder that human actions have caused on our planet earth.

The punk air that she is known for was evoked in the use of dark colours and the use of leather, metal hardware, plaid fabrics and meshes. The limitations of not using colour is not a subject that concerns Kawakubo much because she focuses more on the proportions, the dimensions, the textures and the protuberance of the fabrics that she uses and with which she projects each one of her majestic collections.

She is one of the pioneers of garments with great volume, and in this show  she contrasted overlays with shorts, velvet garments, lace and ruffles. The work that Rei does with each one of the garments is to be applauded since it is basically manually creating pieces that seem almost like sinister sculptures. Once again Commes Des Garçons created a show that shouted with a desperate call of pain and created some extraordinary garments. 

by Andy Durán


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